Lughnasa 2015 Reflections

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At the Lughnasa cross-quarter we celebrate the fruition of the partnership of the Sun and the Earth in the form of Celtic Lugh, the “Shining One” and his foster mother, Tailtiu, the “Great One of the Earth,” the first harvest of the grain, our harvest of delicious corn. Lughnasa is traditionally a time for berry picking, so we also honored the thirteen species of wild blueberries . . .

Beltane 2015 Reflections

posted in: Seasonal Celebrations | 0

First we pilgrimaged to the Sacred Spring for visioning, chanting, and giving gratitude to all our waters…After a wonderful ritual honoring the Sacred Feminine, Grandmother Apple Tree, we honored the Sacred Masculine, raising the Maypole. Joining around this World Tree … Continued

Imbolc 2015 Reflections

posted in: Seasonal Celebrations | 0

We learned the story of Brigid as the Celtic Divine Feminine and her Sacred Landscape. We honored our native Bears, for which we are so thankful, and the Spirit of Bear, which preceded the Groundhog, as symbols of hibernation and … Continued

Beltane 2014 Reflections

posted in: Seasonal Celebrations | 0

At Beltane we make contact with the Inspirited Earth through rituals that embody such archetypes as circle and center, world tree, the dance of masculine sun and feminine water, and the sacred marriage of the King with the Goddess who … Continued

Imbolc 2014 Reflections

posted in: Seasonal Celebrations | 0

Another theme of the evening was about the archetypal theme of hibernation and re-emergence as metaphor for the life-death-rebirth initiatory process as symbolized by Snake, Groundhog, and Bear.  We saw this Black Bear at Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. . … Continued

Imbolc 2013 Reflections

posted in: Seasonal Celebrations | 0

The weather was  a perfect combination of wintery enough for this celebration of welcoming the return of the sun, yet warm enough to make the pilgrimage to the pond, with torch fire and drumbeat. . .We made little magnolia leaf … Continued