Beltane 2012 Reflections:
So many images stand out in my mind: the many different kinds of butterflies that fluttered by (two of the Irish pieces were The Swallowtail and The Butterfly!); the women off in the fields of tall grasses picking wildflowers for their hair; the colorful groups of people scattered here and there in a sea of brilliant green talking and eating; the yellow daylily and daisies (day’s eyes) up at the top of the Maypole reaching to the blue sky; the beautiful mandala created as the colorful Maypole ribbons were stretched out like a huge tent from the tall cedar pole which was like the axis of the world; us being out there experiencing the whole path of the sun as it moved across the sky; us dancing in the long shade of grandmother apple tree; the king and queen lighting the ritual fires at dusk; standing around the fire in the darkness holding our glowing firebrands while singing The Beltane Brand one more time…
The whole community’s intentions are up there woven together on the Maypole. The whole community witnessed and supports the kindling of your heart’s yearning.
I truly do not know where to begin to express the gratitude in my heart for helping to make Beltane so rich, joyous, and meaningful. To the whole crowd of you who came out to celebrate; to Libby for offering her beautiful land; to Roger for all his work in preparing the land and leading us in the Maypole dance; to Hayat and Hamid for their wonderful music, to Hayat for being my Dances co-leader, and to the many others who pitched in to make it all work, thank you so much!!
Beholding the magic,
Hakima Betty Lou
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