Inventory of Garden Native Plants and Animals

posted in: Garden Sanctuaries | 4

Several years ago we restored the bottomland forest of our semi-rural acre with plants rescued from development, and we continue to add native plants from the wonderfully increasing numbers of native plant nurseries. We now live with well over 250 species of native plants and 100 species of animals. Scroll down for an inventory of the native flora and fauna of our Pollinator, Moss, and Forest Gardens. The Inventory is a work in progress as we continue to learn about the various plant-animal interactions.These gardens are certified as Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation, as Native Plant Conservation Gardens by the North Carolina Native Plant Society, and as a platinum level bird-friendly garden. I hope you will be inspired to get to know the trees, wildflowers, and wildlife in your yard, your garden, and your neighborhood. Every garden that includes some native plants helps to contribute to the flourishing of these, our wild relatives.

Native plants have co-evolved over millions of years with the birds, animals, and butterflies that are native to our bioregions, so they are mutually adapted to each other’s needs. Non-native plants are not co-adapted, so they proliferate and take over native plant habitat. Non-native plants do not provide food for the caterpillars that become butterflies and the caterpillars that feed the babies of virtually all birds. Many of our native birds face extinction from loss of habitat to development and to invasive species. We all enjoy seeing beautiful wildflowers when we walk in the woods. We are uplifted when we are on land that feels healthy and whole because the habitat contains an animated and lively diversity of interacting species.

“The Natural World is the larger sacred community to which we belong. To be disconnected from this community is to become destitute in all that makes us human. To damage this community is to damage our own existence. ” -Thomas Berry

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4 Responses

  1. Jill Over

    Betty Lou,
    I am in awe of this website, drawn to all of the categories with their detailed text, inspiring messages, and gorgeous photos that connect me more deeply to the natural world. The world needs more caretakers like you and David.
    with much love and appreciation, jill

    • Betty Lou

      Jill, thank you. It’s been such a pleasure to share the spirit of the natural world with you over the years. The gatherings in your sacred labyrinth are always so inspiring.

    • Betty Lou

      Aqil, I spray plants that I know are deer-candy with one of those deer/rabbit sprays. I have found that if I spray them a few times they learn to avoid them, until a new fawn joins them, that is. As for our small vegetable garden, I intend to build a deer fence.

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