Moss Garden Gallery

posted in: Garden Sanctuaries | 10

Here are pictures of our Moss Garden in Spring, Summer, and Winter including the Earth Shrine, Quartz Spiral, Puzzle Stones, Radiating Steps, Mandala-Making Area, and Spirit House, which was taken by Stephanie Anderson. All other photos (c) 2017 Betty Lou and David Chaika

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10 Responses

  1. Marilyn Grubbs

    Gorgeous! Congratulations on getting this site up, and I DO want to come see your garden sometime soon (maybe when it’s a bit warmer).

  2. Arianna

    Dearest Betty Lou,
    The website is an incredible testament of your love of nature and all that is sacred!
    Do you have a email list for all of the activities that you will be offering? If so, I’d like to be placed on it:
    I look forward to communing with you and nature in this New Year!

    • Betty Lou

      Yes, Arianna, you are on my email list for future offerings. I look forward to sharing them with you.

  3. beverly miller

    Betty Lou, you are such a gift to us all!
    Delicious to imagine myself held by Mother Earth and resting on the ground of your moss garden.

    May 2018 be your best year yet,

  4. Barbara Janeway

    Hi Betty Lou,
    If I lived near your moss garden, I would never want to leave! How sacred, comforting and lovely. Thank you so much for your beautiful website, sharing all this peace………..

  5. Dana Brinson

    Betty Love, you have inspired me! I have chose a spot at my home to begin and bought the first book you recommended! I am already seeing mosses to rescue or sample from friends yards!!!

    • Betty Lou Chaika

      Yay, Dana, I’m happy you are getting started on the path of moss love. You’ll start seeing and appreciating them everywhere. Have fun getting to know these beautiful beings. They will provide you with much pleasure.

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